2016 Reviews, Adult, Adult - Science Fiction, Adult - Series, Reviews

Review: Machinations

27876301Series: Machinations Series #1

Rating: ★★★★★

“Stupid technology. Never working when you want it to. Always trying to kill you when you don’t.”

I probably have highlighted over 20 quotes from this book. It was very hard to choose what I wanted to put in this review as so many of them were good. I know I can get very quote happy sometimes, but this book was so wonderfully snappy with the dialogue and language I just couldn’t stop myself from highlighting all over the place!

No, but in all honestly, what Haley Stone has written here is quite the little gem of a book. When I requested it from NetGalley I honestly didn’t really know what I was getting. I was interested mostly in the science fiction elements of the story (which I got plenty of, thankfully) but it turned out to be a very emotionally driven book as well.

The main character, Rhona, is so wonderfully characterized that it was very easy for me to sink into her headspace for the duration of the book. She’s witty, engaging and a wholly likable character without being too much of the typical “this girl can accomplish anything” sort of annoyance that can crop up with a heroine in an apocalyptic/sci-fi book. She has realistic limits, along with the other characters, who actually do get hurt during the course of the book, something I generally appreciate from authors. Bruises and bumps do happen people 🤕😎.

The many pop culture references could’ve easily gotten out-of-hand but I thoroughly enjoyed them. It’s nice when you get a reprieve from all the doom and gloom and just get to laugh with the characters for a minute, plus it fit in well with Rhona’s sarcastic personality and made me like her character even more. Of course, it also had me rooting for Samuel to be her love interest, and in the preserving of few spoilers I won’t elaborate too much further but he is just the most adorable and sweetest character I have read in awhile.

Camus, on the other hand, was a little much for me at times. I warmed up to him nearer the end of the book, but as a love interest goes he was a little pensive and too broody for my taste, especially when you’ve got cuddly Samuel around. Can you tell which Team I’m on?? Anywho… The relationship dynamics didn’t play out like a triangle AT ALL so don’t worry about that, it was one of the more realistic relationship portrayals I have seen in a YA book of this kind, and I wasn’t cringing during any of the moments. Actually most of them either had me in fits of girlish giggles or silent “awws”.

The science fiction element was masterfully crafted in this book as well and you can tell that Stone has a passion for writing her Sci-Fi. I loved that everything was so detailed so I didn’t feel left out with any of the elements during the book and the pacing felt perfect for every moment. The world and ideas were so simple and yet interwoven so wonderfully that I relished in getting to know more about the systems and ways this new world was existing.

Overall a fantastic read and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next one, Hayley if you read this, send me a copy of the second book, I’m dying to know what happens! And thanks for creating such a wonderful first installment 😝. As for you readers out there, go to a store, pick this up online, however you like, but just make sure you add this to your shelf, it’s definitely worth the read!!

*I received a free copy of this book through NetGalley from Random House Publishing Group-Hydra in exchange for an honest review*

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